Impossible to close: this place has supermassive gravity.
Lautlos bleiben in Rumino des Arzt...Dieses Meer von Sternen, Fragen und tiefschwarzer Unendlichkeit.
(Silently... This sea of stars, questions and deep black infinity.)
Unbesonnenheit ist das Charakteristikum der Jugend,
Besonnenheit das des Alters und Vorsicht ist der bessere Teil der Tapferkeit.
(Rashness is the characteristic of the youth,
The prudence of age and caution is the better part of valor.)
Black atmosphere devours in the silence floating ships
Unable to resist in vain they fight against infinity
Seven years ago they`ve reached a wall of inhumanity
Impossible to kill the space and supermassive gravity
Unbesonnenheit ist das Charakteristikum der Jugend,
Besonnenheit das des Alters und Vorsicht ist der bessere Teil der Tapferkeit.
I interrupt your transmission:
I will distort your position.
There is no way to escape,
No chance to fly away.
My sense of elimination,
no time for recreation.
A dark shade will cover you
forever in deep blue.
I send out lots of machines:
to kill you and your dreams.
Horizon M86
will give you the final stitch.
Accelerated elements:
a growing, sparkling heat intense.
A dark shade has covered you
forever in deep blue.
Black atmosphere devours in the silence floating ships
Unable to resist in vain they fight against infinity
Seven years ago they`ve reached a wall of inhumanity
Impossible to kill the space and supermassive gravity
Tiefschwarze Unendlichkeit.
(Deep, black infinity.)
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