Songtexte Ákos - Tarzan (Filmzene) auf Deutsch
- Két Vágy (Two Worlds) OST Songtext
- Szívem Vigyáz Rád (You'll Be In My Heart) Songtext
- Gyermekember (Son Of Man) Songtext
- Tábori Muri (Trashin' The Camp) Songtext
- Idegen Érzés (Strangers Like Me) Songtext
- Két Vágy - Reprise (Two Worlds Reprise) Songtext
- Phil Collins:You'll Be In My Heart (Single Version) Songtext
- Phil Collins:Trashin' The Camp (Phil & N'Sync Version) Songtext
- Phil Collins:Strangers Like Me (TOP 40 Mix) Songtext
- Phil Collins:Son Of Man (Single Version) Songtext
- Phil Collins:Two Worlds (Phil Version) Songtext
- Mesés Táj (A Wondrous Place - Score) Songtext
- Félig Majom, Félig Ember (Moves Like An Ape, Looks Like A Man - Score) Songtext
- A Gorillák (The Gorillas - Score) Songtext
- Egy Család (One Family - Score) Songtext
- Két Vágy - Finálé (Two Worlds Finale) Songtext
- Phil Collins:Trashin' The Camp Songtext
- Phil Collins:Strangers Like Me Songtext
- Phil Collins:Son Of Man Songtext
- Phil Collins:Two Worlds Songtext