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Songtexte Britney Spears & Iggy Azalea - Glory auf Deutsch

  1. Invitation Songtext
  2. Make Me... Songtext
  3. Private Show Songtext
  4. Man On The Moon Songtext
  5. Just Luv Me Songtext
  6. Clumsy Songtext
  7. Do You Wanna Come Over? Songtext
  8. Slumber Party Songtext
  9. Just Like Me Songtext
  10. Love Me Down Songtext
  11. Hard To Forget Ya Songtext
  12. What You Need Songtext
  13. Better Songtext
  14. Change Your Mind (No Seas Cortés) Songtext
  15. Liar Songtext
  16. If I'm Dancing Songtext
  17. Coupure Èlectrique Songtext
  18. Mood Ring Songtext

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