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Songtexte Dredg - El Cielo auf Deutsch

  1. Brushstroke: Dcbtfoabaaposba Songtext
  2. Same Ol' Road Songtext
  3. Sanzen Songtext
  4. Brushstroke: New Heart Shadow Songtext
  5. Δ Songtext
  6. Sorry But It's Over Songtext
  7. Convalescent Songtext
  8. Brushstroke: Walk In The Park Songtext
  9. Eighteen People Living In Harmony Songtext
  10. Scissor Lock Songtext
  11. Brushstroke: Reprise Songtext
  12. Of The Room Songtext
  13. Brushstroke: An Elephant In The Delta Waves Songtext
  14. It Only Took A Day Songtext
  15. Whoa Is Me Songtext
  16. The Canyon Behind Her Songtext

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