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Songtexte Alexia - Alexia auf Deutsch

  1. Don't You Know Songtext
  2. Power Flower Songtext
  3. Jerry Songtext
  4. This Is My Life Songtext
  5. Don't Leave Me This Way Songtext
  6. Whenever You Want Me Songtext
  7. Hasta La Vista Baby Songtext
  8. The Real Thing Songtext
  9. Blues Songtext
  10. It's Not The End Songtext
  11. Sometimes Songtext
  12. Senza Di Te Songtext
  13. Se Un Giorno Songtext
  14. Dimmi Come Songtext
  15. Dire Dare Songtext
  16. Non Lasciarmi Mai Songtext
  17. L'amore Vince Songtext
  18. Don't You Know (International) Songtext
  19. Hasta La Vista Baby (International) Songtext
  20. Blues (International) Songtext
  21. A Casa Di Jerry Songtext

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