Songtexte in Deutsch → Künstler → H → Haggard Beliebte Lieder von Haggard Per Aspera Ad Astra SongtextAwaking The Centuries SongtextChapter I: Tales Of Ithiria SongtextAll'inizio È La Morte SongtextHerr Mannelig (Long Version) Songtext Haggard Alben Tales Of Ithiria (2008)The Origin SongtextChapter I: Tales Of Ithiria SongtextFrom Deep Within SongtextChapter II: Upon Fallen Autumn Leafs SongtextIn Des Königs Hallen (Allegretto Siciliano) SongtextChapter III: La Terra Santa SongtextVor Dem Sturme SongtextChapter IV: The Sleeping Child SongtextHijo De La Luna SongtextOn These Endless Fields SongtextChapter V: The Hidden Sign SongtextChapter II: Upon Fallen Autumn Leaves SongtextEppur Si Muove (2004)All'inizio È La Morte SongtextMenuetto In Fa-Minore SongtextPer Aspera Ad Astra SongtextOf A Might Divine SongtextGavotta In Si-Minore SongtextHerr Mannelig (Long Version) SongtextThe Observer SongtextEppur Si Muove SongtextLargetto / Epilogo Adagio SongtextHerr Mannelig (Short Version) SongtextDe La Morte Noir (Bonus Track) SongtextRobin's Song (Bonus Track) SongtextAwaking The Gods (2001)Intro / Rachmaninov Choir SongtextMediaeval Part SongtextLost (Robin's Song) SongtextProphecy Fullfilled / And The Dark Night Entered SongtextMenuett SongtextOrigin Of A Chrystal Soul SongtextAwaking The Centuries SongtextCourante SongtextIn A Full Moon Procession SongtextFinal Victory SongtextIn A Pale Moon's Shadow Songtext(Part I) Prophecy Fulfilled (Part II) And The Dark Night Entered SongtextOrigin Of A Crystal Soul SongtextIn A Fullmoon Procession SongtextThe Final Victory SongtextAwaking The Centuries (2000)Rachmaninov: Choir SongtextPestilencia SongtextHeavenly Damnation SongtextThe Final Victory SongtextSaltorella La Manuelina SongtextAwaking The Centuries SongtextStatement Zur Lage Der Musica SongtextIn A Fullmoon Procession SongtextMenuett Songtext(Part I) Prophecy Fulfilled (Part II) And The Dark Night Entered SongtextCourante SongtextAnd Thou Shalt Trust... The Seer (1997)The Day As Heaven Wept SongtextOrigin Of A Crystal Soul SongtextChapter II: Requiem In D-Minor SongtextChapter III: In A Pale Moon's Shadow SongtextChapter III: Cantus Firmus In A-Minor SongtextDe La Morte Noire SongtextLost (Robin's Song) SongtextA Midnight Gathering SongtextRequiem In D-Minor SongtextIn A Pale Moon's Shadow SongtextCantus Firmus In A-Minor SongtextProgressive (1994)Charity Absurd SongtextMind Mutilation SongtextIncapsuled SongtextProgressive... SongtextDaddy Was Her First Man SongtextOther Songs(Part I) Prophecy Fullfiled (Part II) And The Dark Night Entered Songtext(PartI) Prophecy Fullfiled (PartII) And The Dark Night Entered SongtextA Midnight Gathering (Outro) SongtextChapter II - La Terra Santa SongtextChapter II - The Sleeping Child SongtextChapter III - La Terra Santa SongtextChapter Ii - Upon Fallen Autumn Leaves SongtextChapter Iv - The Sleeping Child SongtextDe La Morte Noire (Bonus Track) SongtextIii - La Terra Santa SongtextLa Terra Santa SongtextRachmaninov / Choir SongtextChapter IV: The Sleeping Child SongtextCantus Firmus In A-Minor SongtextChapter II: Upon Fallen Autumn Leaves SongtextDe La Morte Noir SongtextMediæval Part SongtextProphecy Fulfilled SongtextRequiem In D-Minor SongtextRobin's Song Songtext
Tales Of Ithiria (2008)The Origin SongtextChapter I: Tales Of Ithiria SongtextFrom Deep Within SongtextChapter II: Upon Fallen Autumn Leafs SongtextIn Des Königs Hallen (Allegretto Siciliano) SongtextChapter III: La Terra Santa SongtextVor Dem Sturme SongtextChapter IV: The Sleeping Child SongtextHijo De La Luna SongtextOn These Endless Fields SongtextChapter V: The Hidden Sign SongtextChapter II: Upon Fallen Autumn Leaves Songtext
Eppur Si Muove (2004)All'inizio È La Morte SongtextMenuetto In Fa-Minore SongtextPer Aspera Ad Astra SongtextOf A Might Divine SongtextGavotta In Si-Minore SongtextHerr Mannelig (Long Version) SongtextThe Observer SongtextEppur Si Muove SongtextLargetto / Epilogo Adagio SongtextHerr Mannelig (Short Version) SongtextDe La Morte Noir (Bonus Track) SongtextRobin's Song (Bonus Track) Songtext
Awaking The Gods (2001)Intro / Rachmaninov Choir SongtextMediaeval Part SongtextLost (Robin's Song) SongtextProphecy Fullfilled / And The Dark Night Entered SongtextMenuett SongtextOrigin Of A Chrystal Soul SongtextAwaking The Centuries SongtextCourante SongtextIn A Full Moon Procession SongtextFinal Victory SongtextIn A Pale Moon's Shadow Songtext(Part I) Prophecy Fulfilled (Part II) And The Dark Night Entered SongtextOrigin Of A Crystal Soul SongtextIn A Fullmoon Procession SongtextThe Final Victory Songtext
Awaking The Centuries (2000)Rachmaninov: Choir SongtextPestilencia SongtextHeavenly Damnation SongtextThe Final Victory SongtextSaltorella La Manuelina SongtextAwaking The Centuries SongtextStatement Zur Lage Der Musica SongtextIn A Fullmoon Procession SongtextMenuett Songtext(Part I) Prophecy Fulfilled (Part II) And The Dark Night Entered SongtextCourante Songtext
And Thou Shalt Trust... The Seer (1997)The Day As Heaven Wept SongtextOrigin Of A Crystal Soul SongtextChapter II: Requiem In D-Minor SongtextChapter III: In A Pale Moon's Shadow SongtextChapter III: Cantus Firmus In A-Minor SongtextDe La Morte Noire SongtextLost (Robin's Song) SongtextA Midnight Gathering SongtextRequiem In D-Minor SongtextIn A Pale Moon's Shadow SongtextCantus Firmus In A-Minor Songtext
Progressive (1994)Charity Absurd SongtextMind Mutilation SongtextIncapsuled SongtextProgressive... SongtextDaddy Was Her First Man Songtext
Other Songs(Part I) Prophecy Fullfiled (Part II) And The Dark Night Entered Songtext(PartI) Prophecy Fullfiled (PartII) And The Dark Night Entered SongtextA Midnight Gathering (Outro) SongtextChapter II - La Terra Santa SongtextChapter II - The Sleeping Child SongtextChapter III - La Terra Santa SongtextChapter Ii - Upon Fallen Autumn Leaves SongtextChapter Iv - The Sleeping Child SongtextDe La Morte Noire (Bonus Track) SongtextIii - La Terra Santa SongtextLa Terra Santa SongtextRachmaninov / Choir SongtextChapter IV: The Sleeping Child SongtextCantus Firmus In A-Minor SongtextChapter II: Upon Fallen Autumn Leaves SongtextDe La Morte Noir SongtextMediæval Part SongtextProphecy Fulfilled SongtextRequiem In D-Minor SongtextRobin's Song Songtext