Songtexte in Deutsch → Künstler → G → Georgie James Beliebte Lieder von Georgie James Look Me Up SongtextPlaces SongtextAftermath SongtextLong Week SongtextMore Lights Songtext Georgie James Alben Places (2007)Look Me Up SongtextCake Parade SongtextNeed Your Needs SongtextLong Week SongtextMore Lights SongtextHenry And Hanzy SongtextComfortable Headphones SongtextHard Feelings SongtextPlaces SongtextCheap Champagne SongtextYou Can Have It SongtextOnly 'Cause You're Young SongtextDemos At Dance Place (2006)Need Your Needs SongtextLong Week SongtextMore Lights SongtextAftermath SongtextPlaces SongtextHard Feelings SongtextCheap Champagne Songtext
Places (2007)Look Me Up SongtextCake Parade SongtextNeed Your Needs SongtextLong Week SongtextMore Lights SongtextHenry And Hanzy SongtextComfortable Headphones SongtextHard Feelings SongtextPlaces SongtextCheap Champagne SongtextYou Can Have It SongtextOnly 'Cause You're Young Songtext
Demos At Dance Place (2006)Need Your Needs SongtextLong Week SongtextMore Lights SongtextAftermath SongtextPlaces SongtextHard Feelings SongtextCheap Champagne Songtext