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Übersetzung Town Square Songtext auf Deutsch

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Town Square & The Old School von Rupert Holmes – Cover Art
Town Square & The Old School
Rupert Holmes
Letzte Aktualisierung am8. Januar 2016

Town Square & The Old School von Rupert Holmes – Cover Art
Town Square & The Old School
Rupert Holmes
Be the first to translate these lyrics in your language.
I can remember us cruising through town
In your daddy's car with the top pulled down
Looking so cool
We came from different sides of the track
But we still held hands out back of the old school

We spent all our time together
Laughing and having fun
We swore that we'd love forever
'Cause that was the way things were done
At the old school

We both made it to our graduation
You chose a college
I chose a vocation driving eighteen wheels
I became a part of your past
You went and married some guy in your class
He was a big deal

Your picture was in all the papers
You made such a lovely bride
They said you were going places
But me I just went for a ride
Down by the old school

I got married to a sweet young girl
And kept driving for the line
Your husband made his mark on the world
Then he left you behind

In the big house
With the swimming pool
Now you drive your kids
Down to the old school

Now here we are at the reunion of the class
You ask my wife if we could have one dance
For the old times
We slow danced across the old gym floor
You whispered it could be just like before
Call me sometime

You asked if I understand you
"Well, yes I'm afraid to do"
You say everybody does it
Well, I don't care if they do

I'm from the old school
I'm from the old school
Where hearts stay true
I'm from the old school
I thought you were too

Town Square Songtext auf Deutsch von Rupert Holmes durchgeführt und Urheberrechte sind Eigentum der Autoren, Künstler und Labels. Sie sollten beachten, dass Town Square Songtext auf Deutsch durchgeführt von Rupert Holmes ist nur für didaktische Zwecke, und wenn Sie den Song mögen, sollten Sie die CD kaufen.

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